Underfloor Heating Installations

Installing underfloor heating can provide efficient and comfortable heating throughout your home.

Underfloor heating installation is a complex process that requires careful planning, professional expertise, and adherence to safety guidelines. It is recommended to engage qualified professionals for the design and installation of your underfloor heating system to ensure optimal performance and longevity.


Here are the steps involved in underfloor heating installation:

  • Plan and Design: Start by planning and designing your underfloor heating system. Consider factors such as the size of the area to be heated, the type of flooring, and the heat output required.

  • Choose the System: There are three main types of underfloor heating systems: Screed, overlay panels and floating floor. Consider the advantages, disadvantages, and compatibility of each system with your home before making a decision.

  • Prepare the Subfloor: Ensure that the subfloor is clean and level before installation. Remove any debris or obstructions and repair any damaged areas. Depending on the type of system, additional preparation may be required, such as installing insulation boards or a screed layer.

  • For water-based systems, the pipes are connected to the central heating system or a dedicated heat source, such as a boiler or heat pump.
  • Install the Final Flooring: Once the underfloor heating system has been tested and approved, the final flooring can be installed. This can be tiles, laminate, engineered wood, or any other suitable flooring material. Ensure that the chosen flooring is compatible with underfloor heating and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation.

  • Set Up Controls and Thermostats: Install and program the controls and thermostats for your underfloor heating system. These devices allow you to regulate the temperature in different areas of your home and optimize energy efficiency.

  • Commission and Balance the System: Once the installation is complete, it is important to commission and balance the underfloor heating system. This involves adjusting the flow rates and temperatures to ensure even heat distribution throughout the space. A heating engineer or specialist can assist with this process.

  • Provide Maintenance Guidelines: Finally, provide the homeowner with maintenance guidelines for the underfloor heating system. This may include information on regular servicing, troubleshooting, and recommended practices to maximize the system’s lifespan and efficiency.